Meet the
Every animal has an individuality like every human being, without a name the individual kind of fizzles away. ~ Jane Goodall

We welcome you to meet our sheep: Opie, Finn, Anika, Ainsley, Grover, Piper, Nellie, Panda, Poncho, Griffin, Wendell, and Feather!
The most common thing we’re asked about having sheep is: Why? Chickens receive a quick nod of approval, since eggs are understood. Yet the sheep are often stared at dubiously. We’re commonly valued for the job we perform. Sheep are expected to either be meat, milk or wool or their existence is in question. The sheep at Rockabye get to be fully themselves, along with sharing their wool, mowing expertise, fertilizing powers, and friendly dispositions.
The flock is a mix of Southdown Babydoll and FinnSheep (both pure and crosses). Most began their lives on different farms and now get to live out their lives at Rockabye Ridge.
Babydolls are valued in vineyards, sustainable agriculture, and organic farming. Their wool is favored among spinners and fiber artists who enjoy fine wool with remarkable spring. ~North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association
Finnsheep wool has unmistakable luster and softness in all shades of color. The fleece is highly praised by hand spinners as it blends easily with other fibers. ~FinnSheep Breeder’s Association
A variety of Heritage, rare and classic breeds
Ikea (Swedish Flower) Rooster: moved to Newfield, NY farm in 2019
Lacey (Golden Laced Wyandotte)
Fetina (Buff Orpington)
Vicki (Silver Grey Dorking)
Hilda (Silver Spangled Hamburg)
Pearl (Specked Sussex)
Roma (Blue Splash Maran)
Mavis (Double-Laced Barnevelder)
Wilmas (Leghorns)
Sunny (Welsummer)
Amelia Egghart (Golden Cuckoo Maran)
Betty Eggwhite (Blue Laced Red Wyandotte)
Princess Laya (Green Queen EasterEgger)
Yolko Ono (Black Copper Maran)
Margaret Hatcher (Swedish Flower)

Barn Patrol Cat